For plant & planet!

The Wool Pot originated from our mutual love of wool and all it’s incredible natural properties. Nadia living on a sheep farm, Royalburn Station, and Polly being involved in the wool industry her whole life as well as managing her business, Exquisite Wool Traders.

Realising that so many of us have become so reliant on using plastic in our everyday garden life, we realised The Wool Pot could be a solution to help reduce single use plastic in the gardening industry. In New Zealand alone, over 350 million plants in plastic pots are produced a year. Just imagine if all of that was replaced with something that not only completely decomposed naturally, but actually provided benefits to the plants and soil. And so the wool pot was born.  

We tested The Wool Pot in our own gardens, commercial market garden and plant nursery and were amazed at how it broke down in the soil, leaving no trace – just lots of happy plants and worms! The Wool Pot will form a bubble of life around your plant when buried, your plants will love being surrounded by the wonderful properties of wool, just like nature intended.

As long as sheep have grass to eat, water and sun, wool will keep growing and giving back to our planet, it truly is one of nature’s most sustainable, environmentally-friendly wonder fibres. 

Nadia and Polly 

100% biodegradable

Allows plant roots to breathe and move so they do not become root-bound

Reduces transplant shock

Feeds the soil and microbiology

Made from wool, a 100% renewable, sustainable fibre